Biochemistry is a branch of biology that deals with the chemical components and the chemical processes in living organisms. 

All living organisms are made of organic and inorganic compounds.

Inorganic molecules

  • In these molecules carbon is not a back bone of the molecules, Inorganic substances in living organisms are water, carbon dioxide, acids, bases, and salts etc.

Living organisms contain macromolecules formed from a small number of simple molecules are Organic Molecules 

Organic molecules

  • Organic molecules have carbon as back bone and These simple molecules suggest that all life had a common origin.The characteristics of an organism are determined by the information contained in its DNA.
  • The DNA contains information that the cell can use to make proteins. Many proteins are enzymes, which control the physical and chemical activities of an organism.

The chemical activities that go on inside an organism can organism can be given the general term metabolism.


  • In photosynthesis, plants use the energy from sunlight to build up organic molecules such as sugars from simple ones such as carbon dioxide and water. 


  • All organisms need a supply of energy, which they obtain via respiration. In respiration organic molecules are oxidized into simpler molecules, usually carbon dioxide and water. 

The resulting energy is used to fuel many energy-requiring processes within the organism.

Bio learning

It's Ali Anwar here, graduated from SINDH university Jamshoro Pakistan and working in health department

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