There are unhealthy attitudes and low moral values that lead to serious complication. All the carriers may transmit this disease to their healthy partners.


The pathogen which causes gonorrhoea is a gram positive bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Effects: It affects largely mucous membrane of urinogenital tract. 

Transmission: It is highly contagious or (tend to spread) through sexual contacts. 


It is caused by a spirochete, Treponemapallidum bacterium. 

Symptoms: It damages the reproductive organs, eyes bones joints, central nervous system, heart and skin.

Transmission:It is obvious that the sexual contact is the major source of its spreading.

Genital Herpes:

It is caused by herpes simplex type 2 virus (HSV-2)

Symptoms: It produces genital soreness and ulcers in the infected areas. 

Transmission: It is most frequently transmitted by sexual contact causing infection of the genitalia. In infected pregnant woman, the virus can transmit to infant during birth, causing damage to eyes and CNS of the infant.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome):

It is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus).

Symptoms: Patient loses his power of immunity.

Transmission: Sexual contact is a major source of its spread.

Control: It is avoided by no sexual contacts with infected person. 

Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD):

All the above sexual diseases can be controlled and prevented by avoiding sexual contacts with carrier or diseased person and adopting the hygienic conditions. The treatment requires medication for a long period except AIDS.

Bio learning

It's Ali Anwar here, graduated from SINDH university Jamshoro Pakistan and working in health department

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