(i) Pathogenicity:
It is an inflammation of the liver. It is usually caused by viral infection, toxic agents or
(ii) Symptoms:
Following are symptoms:
Abdominal pain
Fatigue and
Sometimes fever
It may be mild or can be sharp and can lead to liver cancer.
Liver enlargement
Following are different types of hepatitis:
(a) Hepatitis A:
It was formerly called infectious hepatitis. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is an RNA virus (non-enveloped).The disease is mild, short term and less virulent.It is transmitted by contact with feces from infected individuals.
Vaccine is available for HA V.
(b) Hepatitis B:
It is also called serum hepatitis. Hepatitis B (HBV) is the second major form of hepatitis.
(i) Virus:
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a DNA virus.
(ii) Occurrence:
It is very common in Asia, China, Philippines, Africa and the Middle bt~;l.
(iii) Transmission:
It is transmitted by the exchange of body fluids, for example blood serum, breastmilk and saliva. During birth it is transmitted from mother to child.It is also transmitted by sexual contact.
(iv) Symptoms:
During acute attacks of Hepatitis B different symptoms appear like fatigue, loss appetite and jaundice.Infected persons can recover completely and become immune to the virus. People with chronic hepatitis infection are at the risk of liver damage.
Hepatitis can be controlled by: Taking hygienic measures, Vaccination (Genetically engineered vaccine is available for HBV) and screening of blood/organ/tissue of the donor.
(c) Hepatitis C:
It was formerly called non-A. non-B hepatitis.Hepatitis C virus (HEV) is also RNA virus (enveloped)
(ii) Symptoms / Effects:
It causes infusion hepatitis, which is less severe than hepatitis A or hepatitis B. However hepatitis C often leads to chronic liver disease.
(iii) Transmission:
Through blood from mother to child during pregnancy and afterward and by
sexual contact.Note: Vaccine is not available for HCV.
(e). Hepatitis D:
It is also called as delta hepatitis.
(f). Hepatitis E:
HEV is transmitted through the feces of an infected person. Halbur and coworker (2001) said that hepatitis E could be transmitted through pig.
(g). Hepatitis F and G:
Hepatitis F & G are caused by unidentified virus.