Modern biology deals with the structure, function and many other
descriptions of living things. Advance research during the 20th Century
has led to the division of biology into specialized branches. Some
important branches are defined below:
Morphology; (Gr. morph; form, logos; discourse): The study of
external form and structure of organisms.
Anatomy; (Gr. ana; part/up, tome; cutting): The study of internal
parts of body of living organisms by cutting them open.
Zoology; Study of animals with all aspects
Botany; study of plants
Microbiology; Study of micro scopic organisms which are unable to see with naked eye.
Marine biology; it deals with the organisms inhabiting in seas or oceans
Fresh water Biology; study related to fresh water organisms e.g fish etc
cytology or Cell biology (L. cells, compartment, Gk. Bios= life; logos;
discourse): The study of cell and its organelle.
Histology; (Gr. histos: tissue; logos, discourse): The study of
structure of tissues of plant and animals.
Physiology; (Gr. physis; nature, logos, discourse): The study about
functions of living organisms.
Taxonomy; (Gr. taxis, arrangement, nomos: name): The study of
the rules, principles, grouping and naming the living organisms.
Genetics; (Gr. genesis; descent, origin): study of inheritance OR The study of heredity, that
is transferring of characters from parents to offspring.
Developmental biology (Gr. embryon; embryo, logos, discourse):
The study of formation and development of embryo.
Environmental biology: The study of relationship between living
organisms and non-living factors of environment and their effects
on each other.
Paleontology (Gr. palaios; ancient, ontos; being, logos: discourse):
The study of remote past organic life, with the help of fossils.
Biotechnology: The study about techniques for manipulination of
gene to bring the changes in structure and location of genes to
achieve desireable characters is called biotechnology.
Socio-biology; (L. sociare; to associate,): The study of social
behavior of living organisms. i.e interaction between themselves.
Parasitology; (Gr. para; up): The study of parasites.
Pharmacology; (Gr. pharmakon, drug;). The study about action of drugs.
Molecular biology; The study of organic molecules which constitute cell and its organelles. OR Study of the molecules which are present in living things.e.g lipid, carbohydrate,